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Effective August 31, 2023




  1. Legal

  2. Personal data

  3. Description of the Site

  4. Conditions of access to the Site and acceptance of the T&Cs

  5. LAQI content on the Site

  6. Use of the Site

  7. Liability - Warranties

  8. Illegal content

  9. Report Infringing, Hateful, or Other Illegal Content

  10. Third-party websites

  11. Termination

  12. Claims Tracking – Litigation

  13. Governing Law

  14. General


Welcome to our website hereinafter indicated the "LAQI Site" or the "Site" LAQI  SAS whose trade name is LAQI, distributes new or second-hand products exclusively produced by suppliers justifying eco-responsible and/or ethical practices ("we" or "LAQI"), to users ("you" or "the User") and provides the services available on the Site subject to compliance with these general terms and conditions of use (the "Conditions"). General Terms of Use"). By accessing or using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted, without limitation or reservation, to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use. We recommend that you save a copy of these Terms of Use for future reference.


We may, from time to time, change this Site and these Terms of Use. We encourage you to review the Terms of Use periodically to ensure that you are aware of the most current version.


LAQI may, at its sole discretion, at any time, with or without prior notice, discontinue the provision of all or any part of this Site. To the extent possible, we will notify you of any suspension or withdrawal within a reasonable period of time, but in the event that LAQI is compelled by a court order or the law to immediately terminate access to the Site, LAQI may not be able to comply with any notice.

Use of the Site is also governed by the following terms and conditions:


  • Our Privacy Policy

  • Our General Terms and Conditions of Sale




The Website is published by LAQI SAS, whose trade name is LAQI, a limited liability company with a capital of 1,000 euros, registered with the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 911 391 258 (VAT number: FR60911391258) and whose registered office is at 36 avenue de la Résistance - 93100 MONTREUIL - FRANCE


Contact :

The director of the publication is: Geoffroy Tournant, Manager.

The Site is hosted by Google LLC with its registered office at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA and the telephone number is +1 650 253 0000.





Please read our Privacy Policy, which forms an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use and describes how we process your personal data.





LAQI provides Users with and allows them to:

  • Subscribe to the newsletter

  • Access Product information;

  • To purchase products distributed by LAQI;

  • To leave reviews and comments on these products,

  • Access LAQI content.




The Site is available in French and English

To benefit from the services offered on this Site and to legally enter into contracts under French law on this Site, you must: (a) be at least 16 years old, (b) accept these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Access to the various services offered on the Site is provided as follows:


4.1. Registration for the newsletter takes place in the following steps:


  • The User must fill in the electronic registration field.

  • The User can check that the data is correct and correct any errors before definitively validating his registration by clicking on "SEND"


4.2. The creation of an account on the Site takes place according to the following steps:


  • From the Login page. The User must click on the "create an account" button and then fill in the electronic registration form.

  • The User can check that the data is correct and correct any errors before definitively validating his registration by clicking on "SAVE".

  • An email confirming the creation of an account is sent to the User.


4.3. Orders for products are made in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and require the express acceptance of these T&Cs.


Any changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use will be brought to your attention by posting on the Site, or by notice with reasonable notice where possible. In the event that you do not accept these new General Terms and Conditions of Use, you may delete your User account and, in any case, you must stop using the Site. Otherwise, you will be deemed to have accepted the new General Terms and Conditions of Use at the end of the aforementioned period.




The content on this Site made available by LAQI, including, but not limited to, artistic, graphic, photographic, imagery, screenshots, text, music, video clips, trademarks, logos, product and character names, slogans and any combination thereof (the "LAQI Content") is the property of LAQI or its partners and is protected in the European Union,  in the United States and internationally through trademark, copyright and other intellectual property laws.


You are therefore in no way authorized to copy, reproduce, represent or commercialize all or part of the Site and/or the LAQI Content in any way whatsoever, or to create derivative works from all or part of the Site and/or the LAQI Content.


Any unauthorized use of the LAQI Content constitutes an infringement and is subject to civil or criminal prosecution.


You agree not to upload, post or use any LAQI Content on the Site for use in any publication, public performance, on websites other than this Site for any other commercial purpose, in connection with products or services that are not those of LAQI, in any other way that is likely to cause confusion in the minds of consumers,  that infringes or discredits LAQI, dilutes the strength of LAQI's rights, or otherwise infringes LAQI's intellectual property rights. You further agree not to misuse by any other means any LAQI Content appearing on this Site.




When you use the Site, you agree:


  • Not to use the electronic communication functions offered on the Site for unlawful, tortious, abusive purposes, invasive of the privacy of third parties, harassing, defamatory, obscene, threatening or hateful;


  • Not to upload, post, reproduce or distribute any information, software or other material protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right (as well as any right of personality and privacy) without first obtaining permission from the owner of such rights;


  • Not to collect or store personal data relating to other users;


  • Not to use the Site for any commercial purpose. In particular, you agree not to upload, post, email or transmit any advertising or promotional content, including any unsolicited e-mail, surveys, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other form of unauthorized solicitation or communication.


  • Not to upload, post, email or transmit any element that contains viruses or any other computer code, file or program that could interrupt, limit or interfere with the operation of any computer software or hardware or any telecommunications equipment or the Site itself,


  • Not to reverse engineer, decompile, modify applications or computer code in connection with the Site.


Any person who contravenes the above commitments may be prohibited from accessing the Site.




Each User is responsible for the creation, storage and use of his/her username, verification email and password, which are strictly personal to him/her and therefore cannot be shared with third parties. It must ensure its preservation, confidentiality and secrecy. Any use of the Site by means of these username and password is deemed to have been made by the User himself. If a User feels that his/her username and password are being stolen by a third party, he/she must immediately inform LAQI by sending a message via



THIS SITE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. LAQI does not guarantee the durability or performance of the services accessible on the Site, nor that these services are free of bugs or other defects, as a programming error or a technical incident is always possible.


LAQI cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet, in particular a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses, and the impossibility of accessing the Site due to maintenance operations, technical breakdowns, a case of force majeure or any circumstance beyond its control.


LAQI cannot be held responsible for any non-substantial errors that may occur concerning the elements presented on the Site, in particular the information and descriptions of the products.

Each User is responsible for his/her computer equipment, data and software as well as the network connection allowing him/her to access the Site. LAQI is in no way responsible for the configuration, performance or technical compatibility of the User's hardware with the Site.




LAQI acts as a host of third-party content on the Site within the meaning of French Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy. As such, LAQI does not in any way guarantee this content. Therefore, LAQI can only be held liable for third-party content appearing on the Site if (i) having knowledge of illegal content (ii) LAQI has not promptly removed it.

Any illegal content or content that LAQI deems illegal (an "Illicit Content") that is brought to its attention will be immediately removed from the Site. Illegal content includes, but is not limited to, Infringing Content as defined below and content that glorifies crimes against humanity, incitements to the commission of acts of terrorism and their glorification, incites racial hatred, hatred against persons on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation or identity or disability,  as well as content containing child pornography, content that incites violence, including against women, and content that violates human dignity ("Abhorrent Content"). Objectionable Content will also be notified to the relevant authorities.




1. Report Hateful Content


If you access any Objectionable Content via the Site, please notify us immediately by notifying us at,


2. Report Infringing Content or Other Illegal Content


If you are the owner of trademark or copyright rights or on a design and you consider that any content published on the Site infringes your intellectual property rights (an "Infringing Content"), or if you have noticed the presence of Illegal Content on the Site, you may request its removal by contacting LAQI by e-mail:

In your notification, you must provide us with the following information:


  1. The date of the notification;

  2. If you are a natural person, your surname, first name, profession, domicile, nationality and place of birth, if you represent a legal person, its form, its name, its registered office and the body that legally represents it;

  3. A description of the material that you believe infringes your rights, or is unlawful, and the reasons why you believe it should be removed in sufficient detail to allow us to locate it on the Site;

  4. The reasons why the content should be removed, including mention of the applicable legal provisions and factual justifications;

  5. A copy of the correspondence addressed to the author or publisher of the Infringing Content requesting its removal or, failing that, the justification that the author or publisher could not be contacted;


Upon receipt of your notification, LAQI will review it and determine whether the Content should be removed from the Site. If you do not include any of the above information in your notification, please note that we may not be able to remove the Notified Content.




This Site may contain links to third-party sites that are not operated by or linked to LAQI. Hyperlinks are provided for your information and are not sponsored by LAQI or affiliated with the Site or LAQI. Subject to compliance with its obligations as resulting in particular from Law No. 2004-575 on confidence in the digital economy, LAQI declines all responsibility for the use of third-party websites to which access may be given via the Site. As soon as you are re-routed to a third party's site, these Terms and Conditions of Use cease to apply; Only the terms of use of the site you are accessing will apply.

If you provide personal data about yourself to a third-party site, the processing of such data will be under the responsibility of that third-party site and in accordance with the Privacy Policy contained on that site. LAQI does not control the conditions under which your data is collected, used or manipulated by these third-party sites.




LAQI may, at any time and without prior notice or formal notice, terminate a User's account on the Site in the event of a breach of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. The latter will be informed by email.

Each User may, at any time and without notice, terminate his/her registration on the Site by writing to Customer Service and requesting that his/her account be deleted.




If you have any complaints about your use of the Site, please contact us via,



If a dispute with LAQI could not be resolved by this means, Users are informed of the possibility of resorting to mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution method.




These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law.

Any dispute that may arise in connection with their validity, interpretation or execution and which has not been settled amicably by the Parties, shall be submitted to the courts of the jurisdiction of Bobigny.




No Party may be held liable in the event of non-performance or poor performance of its obligations, and if such non-performance is due to the occurrence of an element constituting force majeure as defined by case law. The fact that one of the Parties has not required the application of a clause of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, whether temporarily or permanently, does not in any way constitute a waiver of the rights granted to that Party by said clause.

If one or more of the stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions of Use are held to be invalid or declared as such pursuant to a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations shall retain their full force and scope.

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