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What lightbulb color should I choose for my space?

You are in the middle of moving into a new living space, you want to redesign your home or your favorite room.

After weeks of work, where your creativity has been there, your home is a reflection of your tastes, whether it's clean, colorful, neutral...

There is only one step missing, the most important element in a house, which has a direct impact on the atmosphere of a room and the finish of its decoration: light.

So how do you find the perfect lighting color ?

The temperature of a light

Even if a place lit by white light isn't perceived as "cozy", it is sometimes preferable to opt for white light when you have to perform a task that requires precision.

In terms of light, it is not uncommon to talk about temperature instead of color.

It is expressed in Kelvin (K°) and refers to light radiation from natural sources.

For example, a warm color refers to the yellow of a candle flame (3000K°), and a cool color is close to that of an electric arc blue like lightning (10,000K°). In between is white, corresponding to sunlight when it is high in the sky (6000K°).

For the sake of simplicity, we're going to set aside overly complicated terms. Let's talk about yellow and white light.

Lighting up a room optimally

The color of the lighting dictates the dilation of your pupil which in turn will impact your state of stress.

A white light narrows the pupil, allowing vision to become more accurate. This way, we can distinguish details, which used to allow us for thousands of years to identify a potential hazard in a complex environment. Potential danger means higher levels of stress.

It's the infamous "hospital light" that automatically bothers some people. While it's convenient for your surgeon to be alert during an operation, there's no point in putting yourself in that state when you're watching a Netflix show.

On the other hand, yellow light, if it is not too intense, will plunge you into a state of relaxation, in the same way as certain breathing exercises. This way, your body will be easily relaxed and you will easily fall asleep.

Three Dutch studies show that lighting affects the human body differently depending on the color of light: sleep quality, alertness and the perception of self-efficiency One of the biological effects of different lights, which we will see, is the inhibition and suppression of cortisol and melatonin in certain individuals.

En pratique

Lighting up a room where you relax

If the room where you install your lighting is intended for relaxation, choose yellow light (3000k), which is ideal for:

  • Bedrooms

  • Living rooms

  • Dining rooms

Lighting up a room where you perform tasks

If it is a room intended for playing, concentration or creativity, white light is preferable (4500 to 6000K): This is the case, for example:

· Kitchens (recipes, pastries, etc.)

· Bathrooms (make-up, treatments, etc.)

· Workshops (Precision, concentration, etc.)

Illuminating a multi-purpose area

It is difficult to optimally light up an area that is both for work and rest, especially for those who work from home in the living room or work staggered shifts in the office.

It is also difficult to imagine having two lighting systems depending on the time of day and changing the bulb every time you change your task.

In fact, as we pointed out in the article on the circadian cycle, all rooms should have lighting that adapts according to the time of day and our physiological needs to avoid the harmful impacts of light on our health.

THE Solution

As you can see, finding the right color is not easy, but it is not a subject to be left to chance.

To solve this problem, the Laqi team has developed the circadian lightbulb that adapts its color according to the time of day. Once set up has been completed, indicating its location and the type of room where it is located, you will no longer need to control it.

You can be sure that you have the right lighting at all times of the day.

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